Oakville Creekside Alliance Church | Update and Prayer

Oakville Creekside Alliance Church

Oakville Creekside Alliance Church (OCAC) recently experienced a few months of turmoil. The former senior pastor concluded his time and members of the congregation were confused and frustrated, many left the church, and the lease of their worship venue was coming to an end… It was certainly not a rosy picture!

Amid all these uncertainties, those who remained at OCAC persevered and relied on the Lord. They tried their best to make the right decisions and continued to gather and uplift the name of the Jesus. 

They experienced God’s grace and provision and lived the promise of Psalm 91:4: “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

Rev. William Yung, a retired and experienced pastor, agreed to serve as the consulting pastor for OCAC and he has been providing valuable guidance for the advisory committee. Liqun Pan, a previous intern pastor has also decided to keep serving at OCAC, providing pastoral care and teaching.

Through a connection of a member, OCAC contacted Oakridge Bible Chapel (OBC) in Oakville. It turned out that OBC had been reaching out to Mandarin-speaking immigrants for a few years and that they had been praying for ways to better minister to that community. When they heard that OCAC needed a venue for gatherings, they felt excited. After much prayer and discussion among their leaders, OBC decided to explore the possibility of collaboration.

On February 20, 2022, OCAC had their first worship service at OBC. Not only did they have access to the sanctuary and rooms for different meetings, the youth of OCAC were able to join a Bible study led by the youth pastor of OBC. During this time while OCAC does not have an English pastor, this arrangement works out very well for both churches.

As OCAC continues to follow God’s leading, let’s remember them in prayer. May they be able to effectively witness to the Mandarin-speaking community in Oakville, and may many come to Christ through this church!

Pray for…

… Wisdom for the leaders. That the advisory committee will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide the church forward.

… Unity of the congregation. That the community will be able to see Christ among the members.

… Healing for the hurting. That the comfort and healing power of Jesus will work in those who need it.

… Hiring of an English pastor. That God will prepare someone to minister to OCAC’s English-speaking youth.


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